Some critism: Before you start animating try to find your own style and don't copy numerous other styles :/ I know that if you went to animation school they pretty much prolly forced you to copycat others there but still just draw and draw and draw. Find your own style.
And secondly do you wanna be famous amongst 9-13 years old children who likes weird faces or do you wanna be taken seriously as a animator? If the answer is latter, then find yor own style and don't go further into the asscockfartshit style where faces and everything twists randomly for no reason. I don't know who can find that funny anymore other than underaged kids who should not watch these in the first place.
Also this animation felt like it was just randmly put short clips together and syncet with random parts from markpliers video that does not really have anything funny in the first place. Don't understand me wrong he is a funny guy and I watch almost every video he makes but this was just plain boring.
However the animation quality was nice in most parts and lip syncing was very good.
Id like to see more from you if you find your own style and change the way towards real animating instead of just cheap facetwisting humor that really sickenss me because it was fun first time back in 2004 or so. BUT NOT anymore. (I do hope that there is others too who understand what I mean).