Everytime you manage to amaze me with the rythm/beat. I just love those hihats or whatever you use.
This also gives out lil bit Legacy of Kain series feeling which is amazing.
Everytime you manage to amaze me with the rythm/beat. I just love those hihats or whatever you use.
This also gives out lil bit Legacy of Kain series feeling which is amazing.
Ah! Thanks so much!
Congratz on front page! ^^
I am actually visiting my dad (he used to make one of the best hifi speakers in the world (gradient/gratitech/forvoice) So ofc he got just perfect set and room to listen cinematic music. We both enjoyed this reel and probably annoyed neighbours in 2 km radius aswell with high volume :D
Good Job!
P.S if you ever get chance to listen your own music in room that have perfect setup and high quality speakers I'd recommend you to keep listening your tracks as long as possible. There is actually minor problems in low frequency sounds and so on but nothing too serious yet noticeable.
Thanks so much for your message!
Im glad you and your Dad enjoyed my showreel and annoyed neighbors! thats the best way to enjoy music :)
Epic as expected :)
And there is those delaying/multihit hihats too <3
btw did you use VSTi for piano? And if you did could you tell me which one? Sounds very nice and realistic ^^
Thanks man! Glad you like it!
I used "The Giant" a Native Instruments piano package which I think is great.
As a person bellow me said this does not deserve low rating.
Extremely well made pacing and tempo. Only thing that bothered me lil bit was that it would have been better (in my ear atleast) if low frequency sounds would have been more powerfull to give the cinematic feel.
Thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate it. After a good break from listening to the piece I agree with you regarding the percussion elements, I might have to revisit that when I have some more time. Thanks again! D
I am not into rap at all and it seems that you have removed vocals or they simply aint working. Can hear only melody. Anyway the melody is very well made.
It's really mellow and smooth and gives this chill about moving towards somekind of land (dunno if it's first that comes in mind becaus eof the name but it still works).
From melody I simply cannot say anything bad. And as a intro/outro/background musci artist I found this track very very VERY likelable because of it's smoothness and how well it fits for background. This kind of track you can leave on and keep doing what ever you do without being disturbed by it and maybe even make some own lyrics while (example: drawing).
Very good tune ^^
Thank you very much. :) I never did add the vocals, my level of rapping isn't really good, I find it better without my voice. Personally I like to sing, but I have yet to put up songs with my voice really. Anyway, the lyric's are just something I was messing around with and wanted to put them up.
I just love those hats/hits in the background!
Anyway it would have been chills givin cinematic if you would have made it sound like in hall, you know powerfull echo in bass sounds and lil echo on the first few hat hits and higher echo for the last.
(Hard to explain)
As a fan of powerfull distortion sounds I liked the last part of the track.
Tood bad it was not longer :D
Overall I can't imagine why anyone would give bad ratings for this!
ofc there are some lil bits that lowers the bar like the exellent string part but it could have bit better quality string maybe lil bit higher node too.
Exellent work!
Thanks for the review. I think I sort of know what you mean haha.
I also like the last part :D I don't have very good speakers so I can never tell how it sounds for others when they hear pieces like that haha!
I did get abit lazy and one day soon I shall fix and edit this song.
Thanks again!
You know this reminds me alot of Legacy of Kain Soulreaver theme, Which i found best track of all times ;) Extremely nice track! Love the lazy hat sounds in the beat.
Thank you so much!
Self taught 3D/2D-artist. Trying to find job as a 2D designer in game industry :3
Age 35, Female
Stone/Metal Artisan
Joined on 3/29/13