Here is a (timelapse?) video of me making a 3D-model out of my final project in stone / metal artisan school :p
This is first part!
Video is running 400x since original time is 2 hours 36 mins.
My experience with Blender is max 10 hours and overall 3D-modelling experience with other programs ain't much either. I pretty much learn sametime when making the model, thats why there is some random skipping and "afking".
Near end when I start making arms etc "quality" of what I make drops alot because it's starting to be late and I was in need of break after 2 and half hours of nonstop modelling. So I decided to make placeholders for arms and legs to give somekind picture for 3D-modelling teacher what I am going for. Also forgot add tail.
Music is NOT made by me! All rights and credits goes to its original maker Kakurenbo! I downloaded the tracks from the Free Music Archive.
Video: The Troll